Thursday, April 28, 2011

Counting Sheep

Spotted in the Slope on 11th Street and 5th Avenue:

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hoop Dreams

Spotted in the Slope on 12th Street and 6th Ave:

Didn't even get a chance to be a baller... SIGH.
I think I just felt a little piece of someone's childhood die...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Deer Down

Self-explanatory post.  Spotted in the Slope last week on 11th Street:

And the close up:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Abandoned Food + Abandoned Toys = Strangely Satisfying


En route to a dinner party in Cobble Hill, I happened upon this menagerie of goodness:

There's something for everyone!
At first, I was super distracted by the puzzle - yup, those missing pieces you see are permanently missing (as in not in any of the boxes)... I kinda appreciated that the donor completed as much of the puzzle as possible - just to let you know what you were signing on for (specifically, frustration and lack of fulfillment) should you choose to take this gem of a street prize home with you.

But then I zeroed in on the pink box:

Spot the food groups...
Total score.  Why, you ask?  Well, the white clump of stuff that looks like cottage cheese was, in fact, cottage cheese.  And yes, that is a baked potato just to the right of it.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sad studies in asphyxiation

Abandoned Toys is taking a poll (yay - our first interactive post!)

The question is which is worse for the critters in question:

1. Suffocation by plastic bag and inevitable trip to the dump?
Note the critter all up in Valentine Bear's business

Query: How did Taz escape? Or was he spared - why the favoritism?


2. Trapped in a glass horror box outside of an abandoned grocer across from the Green-Wood Cemetery?

The saddest orgy ever...

My vote is for the latter - I can almost guarantee that in 20 years, you could take the exact same photo, with the only difference being some fur fading due to sun exposure... :(

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So this is what affordable NY housing looks like

Spotted in the Slope on 6th Avenue:

This photo was (obviously) taken a few months ago, back when Brooklyn was blanketed with snow.

There is something very sad and Wizard of Oz about it to me - solitary barn, middle of no where, Auntie Em MIA...  I half expected little witch legs to be sticking out from under the barn (sadly, closer inspection only revealed standard sidewalk grime).

Monday, April 4, 2011

Can I interest your toddler in a cuddly blue stuffed animal? Or perhaps some drain cleaner?

Spotted in the Slope on 12th Street:

Note the very fine dividing line between the "toxic things that could kill your child" on the left, and the "FUN FUN FUN things for your child to immediately grab and play with" on the right.

Negligent parents, or truly sinister?  Will continue to monitor this residence for further trash heaps...