Friday, July 22, 2011

(Kiddie) Pool Shark

Spotted in Carroll Gardens on Sackett Street and Court Street:

RIP: Taken in his prime...
If you live in NY, then unless you are a total hermit with central air, you know that we are in the midst of an oppressive heat wave.  The kind of heat wave where you prance around your apartment in your undies, linger as a long as possible in front of the open refrigerator, and sleep with absolutely zero bedding around you (even the thought of sheets is beyond abhorrent).

Which makes me ask the following question: WHY?  Why dump the kiddie pool now?!?  I'm not too proud to admit it - if I owned that pool, I would fill it with ice water and totally bask on the sidewalk.  No kiddies would be allowed, either (because I'm cranky when it's hot).

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