Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There are no honey pots where you're going, buddy...

Spotted in the Slope on 6th Ave and 9th Street:

Brave little guy - be strong, Pooh, be strong...
Just because his name is Pooh does not mean that he should be treated like a piece of crap.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Private Dancer?

Spotted in the Slope on 12th Street and 6th Ave:

Note the ballerina stick figure on the ground with its head snapped off.  Accident?  I think not.
And I thought that Black Swan was dark... yikes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Timely Smurf Abandonment!

Spotted in the Slope on 6th Street and 5th Ave:

Whaaaaaa?  No Gargamel?
Just in time for the new Smurfs movie!  I wonder if the former owners were waiting for the film (and I use that term loosely) to come out before attempting to give away their neglected 1980s cartoon merchandise?

In any event, I was almost impressed with this stoop's presentation - however, some additional care could have been put into lining up the toys - in particular, poor Smurfette could have been placed upright.

(Important side note: as I was taking this photo, an elderly neighbor informed me that I could likely take any of the toys if I was interested.  He also felt the need to inform me that they were really, really old and kind of dirty.  I wish I could have snapped a photo of HIM...)

Monday, August 1, 2011

So this is what affordable NY housing looks like, Pt 4: Retail Space

So far, my posts on affordable NY real estate have focused on residential domiciles (for a refresher, take a look at my first, second and third housing posts).  This week, I consider the impact of rising rents on small business owners in Brooklyn.

Take, for example, the below Animal Hospital, spotted in the Slope on 11th Street and 7th Ave:

Note the reading material thoughtfully provided in the Vet's "waiting room"
There is a clear vacancy at the hospital, as evidenced by the open purple door (alternatively, there is a rabid dog on the loose - but that's a different post...).  Will the Vet be able to continue to afford to pay an astronomical Slope rent without full occupancy?  Or will this local hospital suffer the same fate as so many other small businesses in the neighborhood?

I know one little guy (also spotted on 11th Street and 7th Ave) who's counting on the hospital remaining open:

It appears the horse may have lost his legs in some sort of farming accident, given all of the machinery piled up to the left of him
Poor fella - just one short, errrr, step away from the glue factory...