Thursday, July 14, 2011

Confessions of a Toy Abandoner

Spotted in... my living room.  SIGH.

And yes - if you're wondering, I do believe they were calling out for me from the confines of their plastic grave...

I had kept some of my childhood toys in the unbelievably vain hope that I would someday pass them on to my spawn.  Well, that time has come - Baby Abandoned Toys is on his way.  But with one look at (and smell of) these critters, I realized that there was no way in hell that I was going to let my kid snuggle up to one of them.

So they needed to go.  Which brings me to my second unbelievably vain hope - that somebody else would want my funky smelling/looking old toys!   Needless to say, it is very, very difficult to donate used stuffed animals to charity - most likely because of the bed bug epidemic.  But I also imagine it has something to do with the fact that no matter how much you launder a beloved childhood bear, you can never really get his matted fur into a semi-presentable state (or smell).

So, with a heavy heart, I watched my better half put the toys in a garbage bag and walk it down to the curb.  I then refused to exit the apartment until the trash was collected the next day - luckily, there had been no rooting through the bag; I don't think I could have handled seeing my critters strewn across the sidewalk and street.

I kinda feel like I had this coming - biblical parables are ringing in my ears ("Lest not ye be judged"), as well as a few of the secular variety (rocks and glass houses, pot calling kettle black, etc).   I hear you, cruel universe - but the blog must go on!

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